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Hymn score of: They hear his voice! - The Shepherd's Voice (Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 510

They hear his voice! - The Shepherd's Voice
(Horatius Bonar/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

The Shepherd's Voice.

1. They hear his voice!
  It is their Shepherd's, and they know it well;
they follow him
  where'er he leads, Shepherd of Israel! PDF - Midi

2. A stranger-voice
  they know not, love not, follow not, but flee:
one voice alone
  attracts; 'tis his who said, "Come unto me."

3. He knows his sheep;
  he counts them, and he calleth them by name.
He goes before;
  they follow as he leads, through flood or flame.

4. He leads them out
  into the pastures green, by waters still;
he leads them in,
  and guards them safe, within the fold, from ill.

5. O wise and good,
  O strong and loving One, mighty to save,
thine own thou wilt
  still keep, and bring them up from the dark grave.

6. No want is theirs;
  thy fullness at their side doth ever stand:
no peril theirs;
  for none can ever pluck them from thy hand.

7. And when this day
  of storm and scattering is ended here,
thou wilt them bring
  to greener pastures, and to streams more clear.

8. Amen, Amen!
  Good Shepherd, hasten thou that glorious day,
when we shall all
  in the one fold abide with thee for aye.

9. Thou in the midst,
  and we delivered from all fear and sin;
no hunger more,
  no thirst, nor heat, upon these plains of green.

10. O Lamb of God,
  true Shepherd and true Lamb, thou both in one,
us lead, us feed,
  till, all our wanderings done, we reach the throne!

Horatius Bonar, Hymns of Faith and Hope III, 1878, 57-59.

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