Christ My Song - 1009
Thou, through whose all-prevailing name - The Name above every Name (Charlotte Elliott/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
The Name above every Name.
"The name of the Lord is a strong tower."
1. Thou, through whose all-prevailing name
I urge my every plea and claim,
the Holy One, the Just!
Jesus! Thy name's mysterious power
shall guard me through life's dangerous hour,
and be in death my trust. PDF - Midi
2. Oh, precious name! my tower of strength,
my resting-place, through all the length
and toil of life's rough way;
when vexed with cares, oppressed with woes,
still, still in thee I find repose,
on thee my soul I stay.
3. Thou brightest, dearest, holiest name
of him unchangeably the same,
my Hope, my Shield, my All!
Be thou my song, my theme, my boast,
till, with his countless ransomed host,
low at his feet I fall.
4. Thou art the burden of heaven's song,
the theme of all the saintly throng
enthroned in realms of light;
to thee each golden harp is strung,
thy praise by each sweet voice is sung,
with ever new delight.
5. Name above every name be thou,
that to which every knee shall bow,
each human heart shall bless!
Jehovah! Jesus! tune each voice
in thee, thee only, to rejoice,
"The Lord our Righteousness."
Charlotte Elliott, Selections from the Poems of Charlotte Elliott, 106-107.