Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: Ye heirs of God, joint heirs with Christ, arise! - Awake! (Hannah K. Burlingham/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1041

Ye heirs of God, joint heirs with Christ, arise! - Awake!
(Hannah K. Burlingham/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)


"Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead,
and Christ shall give thee light." (Ephesians 5,14)

1. Ye heirs of God, joint heirs with Christ, arise!
  Search out the glories grace has made your own;
wake! ye that sleep! and fix by faith your eyes
  on Christ, now seated on the Father's throne. PDF - Midi

2. Behold the glory of your risen Lord!
  Oh, worship him and sing aloud his praise!
Give earnest heed to every precious word,
  whereby the Spirit works to mould your ways.

3. The time is short, for his return draws near,
  who bled for you and bought you with a price;
take courage! cast away each faithless fear,
  and learn to glory in the cross of Christ.

4. 'Tis yours to suffer for the sake of One,
  whose peerless Name is now by men despised;
ah think! by radiant hosts around the Throne
  how the dear Name of God's Beloved is prized.

5. And shall it be less dear to you below?
  Is he not with you through the toil and strife?
Do you not, weary, sad, to Jesus go,
  and find in him the Way, the Truth, the Life?

6. Does he not love you now as he will love
  his Bride when with him in his home of light?
Set your affection, then, on things above,
  as those who look to walk with him in white.

7. Belovèd, cleave to him this little while!
  He soon will come and call his own away.
What need you more, if his approving smile
  illume the roughness of the desert way?

8. He endured hardness, bore reproach and shame,
  humbled himself, obedient unto death;
and they who know the power of Jesus' Name,
  can bear their cross and do whate'er he saith.

9. Blessèd to suffer for the Master's sake!
  Happy love's service, promptly, freely given!
Mighty, eternal issues are at stake;
  Earth's race is run beneath the eye of Heaven.

10. Your heart will not be faint, your vision dim,
  whilst steadfast on the risen Christ you gaze;
your ear will grow more quick through hearing him,
  your feet more swift to follow in his ways.

11. Fear not! He knows your every care and grief;
  for every wound he hath a healing balm:
prove how his words do good; what swift relief
  he gives who can the troubled spirit calm.

12. A little while! the conflict will be o'er;
  these times of peril will have passed away;
then lowly ones who here Christ's image bore,
  shall dwell with him thro' never-ending day.

Hannah K. Burlingham, Wayside Songs, 1901, 97-99.

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