Christ My Song - 1042
O weary soul with guilt oppressed - Let him that heareth say "Come" (Hannah K. Burlingham/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Let him that heareth say "Come."
Revelation 22,17.
1. O weary soul with guilt oppressed,
let Jesus give thee perfect rest,
let Jesus calm thy troubled breast,
let Jesus comfort thee. PDF - Midi
2. Behold God's precious, spotless Lamb!
He bore the weight of sin and shame:
there's power to save in Jesus' name,
his blood avails for thee.
3. He left his home, the heavens above,
came down in purest grace and love;
mercy the Saviour's heart did move,
mercy for such as thee.
4. Would'st thou this moment be made whole?
Then hear and live, poor trembling soul!
God did on Christ thy burden roll:
yes, Jesus died for thee.
5. Upon the cross thy sins he bore,
raised from the dead, he dies no more;
he is alive for evermore;
in heaven he pleads for thee.
6. Oh, why a single doubt retain?
He lives: God raised his Christ again.
He lives, the Lord who once was slain,
whose blood was shed for thee.
7. 'Twas many hundred years ago,
God's well belovèd suffered so:
his love God now would have thee know;
Jesus hath died for thee.
8. Come, read what grace for thee has done!
How God, the High and Holy One,
loves thee e'en as he loves the Son
he freely gave for thee.
9. Thy load of sins he put away,
for Christ in full thy debt did pay;
he freed thee, ransomed one, for aye!
His death has ransomed thee.
10. Sing, saved one, sing thy Saviour's praise;
to God thy glad thanksgivings raise;
and learn, through everlasting days
his love unchanging, free!
Hannah K. Burlingham, Wayside Songs, 1901, 94-96.
(7,1 orig.: 'Twas eighteen hundred years ago,)