Christ My Song - 1047
Away with Egypt's burdens - Out of Their Bondage
(Hannah K. Burlingham/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Out of Their Bondage.
Exodus 6,1-8.
1. Away with Egypt's burdens
ye ransomed of the Lord!
Ye toil for noble guerdons,
"exceeding great reward."
Her bond-slaves' blood she wringeth
with her untiring goad:
the Lord his people bringeth
from under Egypt's load. PDF - Midi
2. Who Canaan's corn hath eaten,
with might and main will work;
he fears not to be "beaten,"
no "task" hath he to shirk;
but Egypt's bond-slaves ever
in cruel bondage groan;
and Pharaoh pauseth never
to hear their dismal moan.
3. The prey of dire delusion,
the victims of a dream,
in hurry and confusion
are Pharaoh's captives seen:
God vieweth their affliction,
stoops down to their distress,
rebukes the idle fiction
that bids him cease to bless.
4. The Lord the word hath spoken:
"My people shall go free."
The Lord our chains hath broken,
the Lord our strength shall be;
the Lord who brought salvation
by his almighty hand,
ends all our tribulation
and plants us in His Land!
5. Go now, and "work," believers!
But work at peace and free!
Of grace the glad receivers –
its true exponents be.
Ye toil for glory guerdons,
"exceeding great reward:"
then down with Egypt's burdens,
ye ransomed of the Lord!
Hannah K. Burlingham, Wayside Songs, 1901, 75-77.