Christ My Song - 1057
Help me, my God, be thou thyself my guide! - Help of God
(Hannah K. Burlingham/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Help of God.
1. Help me, my God, be thou thyself my guide!
Teach me to walk by faith and not by sight!
I shall not want, for thou wilt still provide:
I shall not stumble, thou to me art Light. PDF - Midi
2. My purpose lieth open to thy view,
dense though the shadows round my path may be:
I've not a care except thy will to do,
for having died, I only live to thee.
3. Hold thou me up, thou knowest I am weak,
too weak to take one onward step alone;
yet why these fears? Thy praise divine I seek;
this pathless desert well to thee is known.
4. I love to trace the workings of thy hand,
thy holiness attracts me to thy side,
thy loving-kindness here I understand,
thy wisdom sets my puny thoughts aside.
5. Ah yes, to know thee is to be at peace;
thy servants oft have seemed to play the fool;
but soon thy trump shall bid the battle cease,
thy Home shall close the discipline of school.
6. Till then, my God, by watching unto prayer,
by true subjection to thy perfect will,
by making thy commandments all my care,
cause me to worship and to serve thee still.
7. In hope abounding, by the Holy Ghost
in grace established, by Almighty power
be now thy cross, Lord Jesus Christ, my boast,
the Father's love disclosing more and more.
Hannah K. Burlingham, Wayside Songs, 1901, 20-21.