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Hymn score of: Thou living God! how blessed are all - Victories (Hannah K. Burlingham/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1058

Thou living God! how blessed are all - Victories
(Hannah K. Burlingham/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)


Hebrews 11.

1. Thou living God! how blessed are all
  who make thy name their sure defence!
On thee, in trouble's day, they call,
  they stand in thine omnipotence:
they walk in holy peace and power
  upheld by thine unwearied arm;
they sink not in temptation's hour;
  no ills of time their heart alarm. PDF - Midi

2. Thus were thy martyr saints of old
  made out of nature's weakness strong;
their righteous spirits waxing bold,
  thy fear their care the whole day long:
they heeded not the voice of men,
  they heard not this world's praise or blame;
thy light was on their goings then,
  they lived thy greatness to proclaim.

3. O God! thy tale of former days
  with very shame our soul hath stirred.
Are we devoted to thy praise?
  Are we impartial in thy Word?
Alas, do we behave as those
  created, chosen for thine own?
Dead to the world, its joys, its woes;
  alive to thee, to thee alone.

4. Where are thy Nazarites whom thou
  didst cleanse – thy hidden foes to meet?
Thou only, Lord, canst tell them now;
  men do not know them in the street.
Are we, thy servants, seen to stand
  attentive to thy guiding eye,
one host, prepared, at thy command,
  to do, to suffer, or to die?

5. O God of Truth! the same today
  as through the ne'er returning years,
in ruin still art thou our stay:
  thou driest still the mourner's tears.
thy mercy triumphs o'er our sin:
  thy glory shines all clouds above;
thou endest what thou dost begin –
  Eternal Wisdom: Light and Love!

Hannah K. Burlingham, Wayside Songs, 1901, 18-20.

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