Christ My Song - 1099
Through the long vista of the bygone days - A Song of Remembrance (Hannah K. Burlingham/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
A Song of Remembrance.
1. Through the long vista of the bygone days
with overflowing heart and eyes I gaze;
and once again a grateful song I raise,
my God, to thee. PDF - Midi
2. Faint my response to all thy boundless love,
yet thy compassions drew my heart above;
and o'er the waste, like yon defenceless dove,
I flew to thee.
3. Here in mine ark of safety will I bide,
here, till calamities are past, I hide;
I shelter at the Saviour's riven side;
'twas cleft for me.
4. Keep me, my God, that I no longer roam;
thy holy presence be my constant home;
and glad thanksgivings, through the vaulted dome,
shall rise to thee.
5. Direct each faltering note of praise and prayer,
till, circling wide, it find its centre there;
the issue, Lord, confiding to thy care,
my heart goes free.
6. Longer or shorter be the evil day,
thou art my Rock, my Refuge, and my Stay;
and I, when time's last sand has ebbed away,
shall dwell with thee.
Hannah K. Burlingham, Wayside Songs, 1901, 164-165.