Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: The clouds that gather overhead - Have Faith in God (Hannah K. Burlingham/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1105

The clouds that gather overhead - Have Faith in God
(Hannah K. Burlingham/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Have Faith in God.

1. The clouds that gather overhead
  fall softly down in rain,
and thus a balmy freshness spread
  o'er garden, field, and plain.
And when the summer shower is o'er,
  all nature shineth fair;
the dusty leaves are green once more
  and breathe a purer air. PDF - Midi

2. Whene'er the drooping flowers desire
  the promised rain and dew,
O ye who of the desert tire,
  they have a voice for you!
They whisper forth their every need
  beneath the blue of heaven;
and thus should ye expectant plead
  till showers of grace are given.

3. Consider how the lilies grow!
  They neither toil nor spin;
no anxious care those petals know
  their glory garb to win;
the God who made them looketh down
  (the universe his care);
the lonely flower – the peopled town,
  his wide provision share.

4. Have faith in God, ye troubled hearts,
  his mercies why forget?
Unfailing bounties he imparts,
  the oil cruse floweth yet.
Bring empty vessels, not a few,
  bring more, and more, and more:
'tis all the work he bids you do;
  exhaustless is the store.

5. Ah, never fear a passing cloud!
  The sun doth ever shine.
Let every heart in prayer be bowed,
  and nevermore repine.
Your Father knoweth all your need,
  your faintest cry is heard;
the sovereign Name wherein ye plead
  is changeless as the Word.

Hannah K. Burlingham, Wayside Songs, 1901, 23-25.

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