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Hymn score of: Thou art our refuge, O Eternal God - Thou art our refuge (Hannah K. Burlingham/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1108

Thou art our refuge, O Eternal God - Thou art our refuge
(Hannah K. Burlingham/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Thou art our refuge.

"If God be for us, who can be against us?"

1. Thou art our refuge, O Eternal God;
  all other helpers fail;
against the Rock of Ages, our abode,
  no gates of hell prevail.
Here mighty arms of love enfold us round,
whilst far below we hear the shouts of war resound. PDF - Midi

2. How vain, how puny are thy foes, O Lord,
  viewed from the heights with thee!
How impotent their rage! thy glittering sword
  once waved, the host shall flee;
but thou wilt let them restlessly contend
until thy counsels bid their strivings end.

3. Wondrous those bygone days when thy dear Son
  walked on the earth below;
the opened heavens proclaimed thy joy in One
  whom the world did not know;
man heeded not the priceless gift of love,
nor asked why God's Beloved had left his home above.

4. Hell's legions marshalled close in dire array;
  denser the darkness grew;
men dared, with wicked hands, thy Christ to slay,
  who came thy will to do.
Ah! for our sins his precious Blood was shed.
The Lord is risen: he lives who once was dead.

Hannah K. Burlingham, Wayside Songs, 1901, 195-198. (Only stanzas 1-4 of 8.)

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