Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: Oh, Jesus! ever present Friend - Going Out and Coming In (Hannah K. Burlingham/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1116

Oh, Jesus! ever present Friend - Going Out and Coming In
(Hannah K. Burlingham/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Going Out and Coming In.

"He led them on safely, so that they feared not."

1. Oh, Jesus! ever present Friend,
  our need is known to thee;
grace all-sufficient thou wilt send,
  and we will follow thee.
We have not passed this way before,
  but thou wilt lead us right;
ah! since our eyes may gaze on thee,
  we would not walk by sight. PDF - Midi

2. Home to the ark the weary dove
  came from the waters wide;
so would we shelter in thy love,
  above temptation's tide.
Dry land and trees all covered o'er,
  submerged the once loved nest;
and, like that waste without a shore,
  this world is not our rest.

3. But, as the dove went forth again,
  (commissioned of her lord)
we can pass o'er the dreary plain,
  if Jesus gives the word.
Blessèd indeed to be for him
  the messengers of peace,
bearing sweet tokens of a day
  when storms and strife shall cease.

4. Thy presence our pavilion, Lord,
  'mid outward strife we rest;
our guide thy never-failing Word,
  we cannot but be blessed.
Tho' passing clouds may often cast
  deep shadows o'er our way,
we know the darkness cannot last;
  the light shall be for aye.

5. Safe in the cleft of Christ our Rock,
  well may our soul rejoice.
Lord, we will sing aloud to thee,
  and thou shalt hear our voice.
In quiet confidence our strength
  (whilst keeping near thy side)
we shall reach home with joy at length,
  through thee, our Way, our Guide.

Hannah K. Burlingham, Wayside Songs, 1901, 85-87.

            PDF - Midi