Christ My Song - 371
King of glory, sov'reign God - Praise for Conversion
(Augustus M. Toplady/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Praise for Conversion.
1. King of glory, sov'reign God,
gracious source of all that's good!
Thou hast made my soul anew;
wrought in me to will and do:
on thy head the crown I set;
cast my honours at thy feet. PDF - Midi
2. Boasting, Lord, is not for me;
what I am, I am thro' thee;
let not me usurp the praise
due alone to thy free grace!
Strength and merit I disclaim;
nought is mine but sin and shame.
3. Self-abased, O may I feel
my depravity of will!
Cause me, more and more, to see
my incessant need of thee;
know myself (what well thou know'st)
viler than the vilest dust.
4. Cause me, Lord, to understand;
take my heart into thy hand;
make me pliant to obey,
passive as the yielding clay;
mightily in me fulfill
all the pleasure of thy will.
5. Does th' Almighty but persuade?
Suasion cannot raise the dead:
nothing, short of pow'r divine,
could subdue a soul like mine:
grace omnipotent alone
could dissolve my heart of stone.
6. First and Last, O Lord, art thou;
Alpha and Omega too:
thou, who didst thy grace in-breathe,
wilt complete the work of faith:
where thou art its Author, there
thou wilt be its Finisher.
7. Yes, however sin oppose,
what Jehovah wills he does:
day by day, his pow'r I prove;
saved by his constraining love;
called by his effectual word;
self-destroyed, and God-restored!
Augustus M. Toplady, Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1860, 139-140. 7 of 8 stanzas.