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Hymn score of: Like mist on the mountain, like ships on the sea - Children called to Christ (Robert Murray M'Cheyne/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 386

Like mist on the mountain, like ships on the sea - Children called to Christ (Robert Murray M'Cheyne/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Children called to Christ

1. Like mist on the mountain, like ships on the sea,
  so swiftly the years of our pilgrimage flee;
in the grave of our fathers how soon we shall lie!
  Dear children, today to a Saviour fly. (PDF - Midi)

2. How sweet are the flowerets in April and May!
  But often the frost makes them wither away.
Like flowers you may fade: are you ready to die?
  While "yet there is room", to a Saviour fly.

3. When Samuel was young, he first knew the Lord,
  He slept in his smile and rejoiced in his word:
so most of God's children are early brought nigh:
  Oh, seek him in youth – to a Saviour fly.

4. Do you ask me for pleasure? Then lean on his breast,
  for there the sin-laden and weary find rest.
In the valley of death you will triumphing cry –
  "If this be called dying, 'tis pleasant to die!"

January 1, 1831

Robert Murray M'Cheyne, in: Andrew A. Bonar: Memoir and Remains
of the Rev. Robert Murray M'Cheyne, 1881, 580-581: Songs of Zion 6.

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