Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: Suffer me to come to Jesus - The child coming to Jesus (Robert Murray M'Cheyne/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 389

Suffer me to come to Jesus - The child coming to Jesus
(Robert Murray M'Cheyne/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

The child coming to Jesus.

1. Suffer me to come to Jesus,
  mother, dear, forbid me not;
by his blood from hell he frees us;
  makes us fair without a spot. (PDF - Midi)

2. Suffer me, my earthly father,
  at his pierced feet to fall:
Why forbid me? help me, rather;
  Jesus is my all in all.

3. Suffer me to run unto him:
  gentle sisters, come with me;
oh that all I love but knew him!
  Then my home a heaven would be.

4. Loving playmates, gay and smiling,
  bid me not forsake the cross;
hard to bear is your reviling,
  yet for Jesus all is dross.

5. Yes, though all the world have chid me,
  father, mother, sister, friend –
Jesus never will forbid me!
  Jesus loves me to the end!

6. Gentle Shepherd, on thy shoulder
  carry me a sinful lamb;
give me faith, and make me bolder
  till with thee in heaven I am.

July 1841.

Robert Murray M'Cheyne, in: Andrew A. Bonar: Memoir and Remains
of the Rev. Robert Murray M'Cheyne, 1881, 587: Songs of Zion 12.

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