Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: A great and mighty wonder (Anatolius of Constantinople/John Mason Neale/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 390

A great and mighty wonder (Anatolius of Constantinople/
John Mason Neale/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

A great and mighty wonder

1. A great and mighty wonder
  the festal makes secure;
the Virgin bears the Infant,
  with virgin-honour pure! (PDF - Midi)

2. The Word is made incarnate,
  and yet remains on high;
and cherubim sing anthems
  to shepherds from the sky.

3. And we with them triumphant
  repeat the hymn again:
"To God on high be glory,
  and peace on earth to men!"

4. While thus they sing your Monarch,
  those bright angelic bands,
rejoice, ye vales and mountains!
  Ye oceans, clap your hands!

5. Since all he came to ransom,
  by all be he adored,
the Infant born in Bethlehem,
  the Saviour and the Lord!

6. And idol forms shall perish,
  and error shall decay;
and Christ shall wield his sceptre,
  our Lord and God for aye.

Anatolius of Constantinople, from the Greek translated by John Mason Neale,
in: Philip Schaff: Christ in Song, 1870, 31.

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