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Hymn score of: Ever as I onward go - Burdens (Ray Palmer/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 622

Ever as I onward go - Burdens (Ray Palmer/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)


"Cast thy burden upon the Lord." (Psalm 55, 22)

1. Ever as I onward go
  through the mazy round of life,
  days and years with struggles rife,
wearily I tread and slow;
  oft my spirit falters, faints,
  oft breathes out her sad complaints. (PDF - Midi)

2. Guilt's huge burden weighs me down,
  pressing heavily and sore;
  till thy face, dear Lord, no more
glows with smiles; thou seem'st to frown,
  though I long thy grace to prove,
  though I know that thou art Love!

3. Oft thou chafest, haggard Care!
  wearing, wasting, day by day,
  thou each rising joy dost slay
that my soul would upward bear;
  thou dost clog my heavenward flight,
  spoil my spirit of her might.

4. Leaden Grief, thou pressest hard,
  when have sped the shafts of fate,
  when my heart bleeds, desolate,
and by many an arrow scarred;
  when on sorrow's sea long tossed,
  all the lights of hope are lost.

5. Dark thou broodest o'er my soul,
  gloomy Doubt, when hidden lie,
  locked in awful mystery,
God's deep counsels, and the scroll
  sleeps unopened till the time
  when goes forth his word sublime.

6. Thou, O spectre-loving Fear,
  all too oft hast o'er me flung
  terrors that like rocks have hung,
sinking every thought of cheer;
  till a ship I seemed to be,
  foundering in the far-off sea.

7. Yet I hear a Father's voice:
  "I, Jehovah, am thy strength;
  all thy burdens bring, at length,
cast on me, – then go, rejoice!
  make thy days with songs resound,
  rest in holy peace profound!"

8. Yes, my God; away, away
  haunting unbelief and gloom!
  vanish, and for joy give room,
joy of faith, while now I pray;
  henceforth sweetly on thy breast,
  Love Eternal, will I rest!

Ray Palmer, in: The Poetical Works of Ray Palmer, 1876, 87-89.

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