Christ My Song - 641
Yes, kind Saviour, grieving - The consenting heart
(Ray Palmer/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
The consenting heart.
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11, 28)
1. Yes, kind Saviour, grieving
o'er the sad past,
all my vain hopes leaving,
come I at last;
thine, thine I am,
O bleeding Lamb!
To thy heart receiving,
hold thou me fast. (PDF - Midi)
2. On thy word relying,
safe let me rest,
all my tears now drying
on thy dear breast;
dawns the sweet day,
bright o'er my way,
foes and fears all flying,
here I am blessed.
3. All my footsteps heeding,
shield me from ill,
in green pastures feeding,
by waters still;
always with thee,
Lord, let me be;
thou all kindly leading,
thine be my will.
4. When – life's last day ending –
dark death is nigh,
Jesus, o'er me bending,
note my last sigh;
in that dread hour,
strong in thy power,
on swift wind ascending,
home let me fly!
Ray Palmer, in: The Poetical Works of Ray Palmer, 1876, 73-74.