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Hymn score of: All things to mine eyes are bright - The hour of joy (Ray Palmer/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 655

All things to mine eyes are bright - The hour of joy
(Ray Palmer/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

The hour of joy.

"Thou hast put gladness in my heart." (Psalm 4,7)

1. All things to mine eyes are bright;
  throbs my heart with deep delight;
birds pour forth delicious notes,
  fragrance on the still air floats,
earth and heaven seem full of gladness,
  and my soul forgets all sadness,
glows and quivers with the thrill
  of the joy that doth it fill. (PDF - Midi)

2. Swift-winged thought exults to range,
  fancy, as with magic change,
makes e'en ugliness look fair,
  finds fresh beauty everywhere;
life itself is one pure pleasure,
  tasted without mete or measure;
of whate'er could make her blessed,
  my glad soul seems now possessed.

3. Upward, upward, strong and free,
  borne on wings I seem to bee;
unconfined by earthly bars,
  soars my spirit to the stars;
e'en beyond the starry regions,
  filled with orbs in countless legions,
mounts she with untiring wings,
  mounts and evermore she sings.

4. Whence this ecstasy divine?
  Why so rapt this soul of mine?
O my God, with warm desire
  thou didst set my heart on fire;
then thy love and goodness showing,
  and thy light around me throwing
thou didst give thyself to me,
  thou hast made me glad in thee.

5. Thou art of all joy the crown;
  thou with joy canst sorrow drown;
let me drink for evermore
  at the well-spring running o'er;
in thy smile is sadness never,
  in thy smile is gladness ever;
to thy child, O Father, give
  ever in thy love to live!


Ray Palmer, in: The Poetical Works of Ray Palmer, 1876, 22-23.

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