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Hymn score of: Father, while the shades of night - Morning worship (Ray Palmer/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 662

Father, while the shades of night - Morning worship
(Ray Palmer/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Morning worship.

"My voice shalt thou hear in the morning." (Psalm 5,3)

1. Father, while the shades of night
  fly before the crimson dawn,
heavenward speeds my soul her flight,
  gladdened by the day new born. (PDF - Midi)

2. Nature, fresh enrobed and fair,
  greets me with her kindly smile,
and I breathe the fragrant air,
  drinking in thy love the while.

3. All thy works are full of thee!
  glows my heart with living praise;
lowly bends the reverent knee,
  upward waiting eyes I raise.

4. While from garden, field, and grove,
  morning carols wake around,
swift my thoughts ascend and rove
  where eternal songs resound.

5. With the wide creation's choir,
  my rapt soul would chant her hymn,
kindling with the holy fire
  of the burning seraphim.

6. Light of men, when forth shall break
  thy full splendour, dimmed so long,
earth one hymn of praise shall wake,
  ages the glad strain prolong.

7. Son of God, Redeemer, Lord,
  all thy goodness none can tell;
when thy gifts I would record,
  high as heaven the numbers swell.

8. Through all labours of this day,
  let thy hand sustain me still;
through all perils guard my way,
  make me strong to do thy will.

9. Let my day dawn calm and bright,
  where no eye for ever weeps;
where for ever comes no night,
  where eternal sunshine sleeps.


Ray Palmer, in: The Poetical Works of Ray Palmer, 1876, 30-31.

            PDF - Midi