Christ My Song - 67
Just as thou art (Russell S. Cook/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Just as thou art.
1. Just as thou art, – without one trace
of love, or joy, or inward grace,
or meetness for the heavenly place,
O guilty sinner, come! PDF - Midi
2. Thy sins I bore on Calvary’s tree;
the stripes thy due were laid on me,
that peace and pardon might be free, –
O wretched sinner, come!
3. Burdened with guilt, wouldst thou be blessed?
Trust not the world; it gives no rest:
I bring relief to hearts oppressed, –
O weary sinner, come!
4. Come, leave thy burden at the cross;
count all thy gains but empty dross;
my grace repays all earthly loss, –
O needy sinner, come!
5. Come, hither bring thy boding fears,
thy aching heart, thy bursting tears:
'tis mercy's voice salutes thine ears;
O trembling sinner, come!
6. "The Spirit and the Bride say, Come;"
rejoicing saints re-echo, Come;
who faints, who thirsts, who will, may come;
thy Saviour bids thee come.
Russell S. Cook, in: Philip Schaff: Christ in Song, 1870, 370.