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Hymn score of: Mid evening shadows let us all be watching - Laudes ad nocturnum (Gregory the Great/Ray Palmer/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 673

Mid evening shadows let us all be watching - Laudes ad nocturnum (Gregory the Great/Ray Palmer/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Laudes ad nocturnum.

1. Mid evening shadows let us all be watching,
  ever in psalms our deep devotion waking,
    and with one voice hymns to the Lord, the Saviour,
          sweetly be singing. (PDF - Midi)

2. That to the holy King our songs ascending,
  we worthily with all his saints may enter
    the heavenly Temple, joyfully partaking
          life everlasting.

3. This grace O grant us, God-head ever blesséd,
  of Father, Son and Holy Ghost in union,
    whose praises be through earth's most distant regions
          ever resounding.

Ray Palmer, in: The Poetical Works of Ray Palmer, 1876, 113.
Translation of "Nocte surgente vigilemus omnes" (Gregory the Great).

            PDF - Midi