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Hymn score of: O holy Saviour! Friend unseen! - Prayer to the Saviour (Charlotte Elliott/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 77

O holy Saviour! Friend unseen! - Prayer to the Saviour
(Charlotte Elliott/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Prayer to the Saviour.

1. O holy Saviour! Friend unseen!
  The faint, the weak, on thee may lean:
    help me, throughout life's varying scene,
          by faith to cling to thee. PDF - Midi

2. Blessed with communion so divine,
  take what thou wilt, shall I repine,
    when, as the branches of the vine,
          my soul may cling to thee?

3. Far from her home, fatigued, oppressed,
  here she has found a place of rest;
    an exile still, yet not unblessed,
          while she can cling to thee.

4. Without a murmur I dismiss
  my former dreams of earthly bliss;
    my joy, my recompense, be this,
          each hour to cling to thee.

5. What though the world deceitful prove,
  and earthly friends and joys remove;
    with patient, uncomplaining love,
          still would I cling to thee.

6. Oft when I seem to tread alone
  some barren waste, with thorns o'ergrown,
    a voice of love, in gentlest tone,
          whispers, "Still cling to me."

7. Though faith and hope awhile be tried,
  I ask not, need not, aught beside:
    how safe, how calm, how satisfied,
          the souls that cling to thee!

8. They fear not life's rough storms to brave,
  since thou art near, and strong to safe;
    nor shudder e'en at death's dark wave;
          because they cling to thee!

9. Blessed is my lot, whate'er befall:
  what can disturb me, who appal,
    while, as my strength, my rock, my all,
          Saviour! I cling to thee?

Charlotte Elliott, Selections from the Poems of Charlotte Elliott, 190-191.

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