Christ My Song - 79
Oh, Jesus Christ, grow thou in me - He must increase, but I must decrease (Johann Caspar Lavater/Elizabeth Lee Smith/
Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
He must increase, but I must decrease.
1. Oh, Jesus Christ, grow thou in me,
and all things else recede;
my heart be daily nearer thee,
from sin be daily freed! PDF - Midi
2. Each day, let thy surpassing might
my weakness still embrace;
my darkness vanish in thy light,
thy life my death efface.
3. In thy bright beams, which on me fall,
fade every evil thought;
that I am nothing, thou art all,
I would be daily taught.
4. Come near, I cast myself away,
before thee silent weep;
come, with thy pure, divinest sway,
my spirit rule and keep.
5. More of thy glory let me see,
thou Holy, Wise and True!
I would thy living image be
in joy and sorrow too.
6. Fill me with gladness from above,
hold me by strength divine;
Lord, let the glow of thy great love
through my whole being shine!
7. Weak is the power of sloth and pride,
and vain desires are still,
when, to thy realm and thee allied,
I haste to do thy will.
8. Make this poor self grow less and less,
be thou my life and aim.
Oh, make me daily, through thy grace,
more worthy of thy name;
9. daily more filled with thee my heart,
daily from self more free;
thou, to whom prayer did strength impart,
of my prayer hearer be!
10. Let faith in thee and in thy might
my every motive move,
be thou alone my soul's delight,
my passion and my love!
Elizabeth Lee Smith, in: Philip Schaff: Christ in Song, 1870, 108-109.
Translated from the German O Jesus Christus, wachs in mir
of Johann Caspar Lavater.