Christ My Song - 871
Stillness midst the ever-changing - The quiet land
(Frances Bevan/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
The quiet land.
Deuteronomy 26,9.
1. Stillness midst the ever-changing,
Lord, my rest art thou;
so for me has dawned the morning,
God's eternal NOW. (PDF - Midi)
2. Now for me the day unsetting,
now the song begun;
now, the deep surpassing glory,
brighter than the sun.
3. Hail! all hail! thou peaceful country
of eternal calm;
summer land of milk and honey,
where the streams are balm.
4. There the Lord my Shepherd leads me,
wheresoe'er he will;
in the fresh green pastures feeds me,
by the waters still.
5. Well I know them, those still waters!
Peace and rest at last;
in their depths the quiet heavens
tell the storms are past,
6. Nought to mar the picture fair,
of the glory resting there.
G. T. S.
Frances Bevan, Hymns of Ter Steegen, Suso and others 1, 1899, 11-12.