Christ My Song - 875
Now – borne upon the still, the boundless deep - The dwelling of the Lord (Frances Bevan/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
The dwelling of the Lord.
"They said unto him, Master, where dwellest thou? He saith unto them, Come and see." (John 1, 38-39)
1. Now – borne upon the still, the boundless deep,
by tempest never stirred,
the peaceful sea where song and minstrelsy
from shores that in the golden morning sleep
alone are heard. (PDF - Midi)
2. Now – hidden in his secret place, afar
within the sheltering Home –
apart as in the glory of a star
where all the strifes that madden and that mar
may never come.
3. Now – o'er the dark and solitary ways
borne onward on his breast,
through windings of the strange and tangled maze,
through weary nights, and through the changing days,
at rest – at rest.
4. Now – lips unskilful fain would tell the bliss
the heart in secret shares –
the meeting, and the welcome, and the kiss,
the blessed marvels and the mysteries
his love prepares.
5. Now – holy cloisters closed to strife and sin
where Angels walk in white –
and blessed saints adoring enter in,
their everlasting anthems to begin
in songs of night.
6. Now – O Beloved Lord, thy risen ones,
in peace we walk with thee;
beyond the graves we dwell, beyond the suns;
beside the fountain whence the River runs
at last to be!
C. P. C.
Frances Bevan, Hymns of Ter Steegen and others 2, 1899, 12-13.