Christ My Song - 909
JESUS, our life, is risen - Praise to Jesus
(James George Deck/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Praise to Jesus.
1. JESUS, our life, is risen –
JESUS, who died to save:
burst are thy gates, O prison!
thy vict'ry spoiled, O grave!
he who in grace descended,
constrained by love to die,
triumphant has ascended
to God's right hand on high. PDF - Midi
2. He, for the joy before him,
endured the cross and shame,
therefore our souls adore him,
and magnify his name:
JESUS, O name all glorious!
he bore it on the tree;
JESUS, O name victorious!
he bears it still for me.
3. JESUS, the sinner's Saviour,
JESUS, the saved one's friend,
JESUS, whose mighty favour
shall keep us to the end:
JESUS, High Priest in heaven,
he bears us on his heart;
by God to JESUS given, –
who us from him shall part?
4. JESUS, our faithful shepherd,
he watches o'er his sheep,
from lion, and from leopard,
his own he safe will keep:
how tenderly he careth!
how well he knows our names,
and in his bosom beareth
the weakest of his lambs!
5. We hear the Bridegroom telling,
"Behold, I quickly come!"
O joy! all thought excelling,
he'll take us to his home!
To see his face all-glorious,
to hear his long-loved voice:
by him o'er all victorious,
oh, how shall we rejoice!
6. All praise to thee, our Saviour!
We glory in thy name;
our boast is in thy favour,
our songs thy worth proclaim:
e'en in this vale of sorrow,
we'll sing, as on we roam;
but, oh, the glad tomorrow!
W e' l l b e w i t h t h e e a t h o m e!
James George Deck, Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1906, 16-17.