Christ My Song - 922
Christian, wouldst thou fruitful be? - "Abide in me"
(James George Deck/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
"Abide in me."
John 15,4.
1. Christian, wouldst thou f r u i t f u l be?
Jesus says, "Abide in me;"
from him all thy fruit is found, –
may it to God's praise abound. PDF - Midi
2. Christian, wouldst thou h a p p y be?
Jesus says, "Abide in me;"
he is thine exceeding joy,
bliss divine without alloy.
3. Christian, wouldst thou h o l y be?
Jesus says, "Abide in me;"
sanctified in him thou art –
sanctify him in thy heart.
4. Christian, this thy motto be?
J e s u s says, "Abide in me;"
grace and strength from him receive,
as a branch in Jesus live.
5. Soon shalt thou thy Master see,
hear him say, "Abide with me,
in my Father's house above,
in the bosom of his love."
James George Deck, Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1906, 21-22.