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Hymn score of: Lord, when I wander from thy side - Cleaving to the Lord (James George Deck/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 928

Lord, when I wander from thy side - Cleaving to the Lord
(James George Deck/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Cleaving to the Lord.

1. Lord, when I wander from thy side,
  't is darkness, sorrow, gloom;
for thou art Life, and Light: beside
  all else is but the tomb. PDF - Midi

2. When near to thee, the heavens are bright
  with sunniest beams of love;
I taste the earnest of delight
  prepared for saints above.

3. Oh, give me, Lord, that cleaving heart
  that near thee must abide:
and let me feel the instant smart
  of wand'ring from thy side.

4. Thy love the world has long o'ercome;
  I thirst for it no more:
I wait, till thou shalt take me home,
  to see thee and adore.

James George Deck, Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1906, 66-67.

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