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Hymn score of: Lamb of God! thou now art seated - The Lamb of God (2) (James George Deck/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 949

Lamb of God! thou now art seated - The Lamb of God (2)
(James George Deck/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

The Lamb of God. (2)

"I beheld, and, lo, a Lamb as it had been slain." (Revelation 5,6)

1. Lamb of God! thou now art seated
  high upon thy Father's throne;
all thy gracious work completed,
  all thy mighty victory won:
every knee in heaven is bending
  to the Lamb for sinners slain;
every voice and harp is swelling,
  "Worthy is the Lamb to reign!" PDF - Midi

2. Lord, in all thy power and glory,
  still thy thoughts and eyes are here,
watching o'er thy ransomed people,
  to thy gracious heart so dear;
thou for us art interceding,
  everlasting is thy love;
and a blessèd rest preparing
  in our Father's house above.

3. Lamb of God! thy latest promise
  says, "Behold, I quickly come;"
and our hearts, to thine responsive,
  cry, "Come, Lord, and take us home."
Oh, the rapture that awaits us,
  when we meet thee in the air,
and with thee ascend in triumph,
  all thy deepest joys to share.

4. Lamb of God! when thou in glory
  shalt to this sad earth return,
all thy foes shall quake before thee,
  all who now despise thee, mourn:
then shall we, with thee appearing,
  in thy glorious kingdom reign;
thine the praise, and thine the glory,
  Lamb of God for sinners slain!

James George Deck, Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1906, 2-3.

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