Christ My Song - 959
What is the lesson I am taught - The Daily Lesson
(Charlotte Elliott/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
The Daily Lesson.
"Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" (Acts 9,6)
1. What is the lesson I am taught
daily and hourly, Friend Divine?
O could I learn it as I ought!
To have no will but thine. PDF - Midi
2. Oft I feel eager to fulfil
some right intent, as best I may;
then comes the mandate "to be still,"
to work not, but obey.
3. I meekly plead, "Life's little hour
for me, far spent, will soon expire;"
my Lord replies, "Thou wilt have power
when thou shalt come up higher."
4. In others, in myself, I see
evils I long at once to cure;
then comes this gentle check to me;
"Be patient, and endure."
5. I think, if this or that were changed,
I could do better, and do more;
but is not every step arranged
by thee, whom I adore?
6. That wisdom which can never fail,
that love whose depths can ne'er be scanned,
e'en in its most minute detail,
my daily life has planned.
7. Then let me with implicit faith
in thee confide, on thee depend,
and say, "Chose thou my hourly path,
my Lord, e'en to the end."
7,4 orig. without "my Lord,".
Charlotte Elliott, Selections from the Poems of Charlotte Elliott, 68-69.