Christ My Song - 964
There is a fountain deep and pure - The Fountain
(Charlotte Elliott/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
The Fountain.
"In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David for sin and for uncleanness." (Zechariah 13,1)
1. There is a fountain deep and pure,
forth from the riven rock it flows;
a healing and a lasting cure
for all terrestrial ills and woes. PDF - Midi
2. Thither, each morning, leave I crave
to take my feeble sin-sick soul –
emerging from that cleansing wave
unspotted, vigorous, glad, made whole.
3. When faint with noon-day toil and heat,
for comfort thither I repair;
around it all is calm and sweet,
rest and refreshment greet me there.
4. And when the shadowy veil of night
across the dewy earth is spread,
and the pale moonbeam's silvery light
soft o'er the silent stream is shed;
5. oh, then, in that serenest hour,
my purest, holiest joys are given;
sin, sorrow, Satan, lose there power,
around me breathe the airs of heaven.
6. That Holy One who deigned to heal
one sufferer by Bethesda's pool,
there, while beside the fount I kneel,
himself draws near and makes me whole.
7. Thrice blessed fountain! when I reach
the source from whence thy waters flow,
then shall I praise, in fitter speech,
that love to which such joys I owe.
Charlotte Elliott, Selections from the Poems of Charlotte Elliott, 77-78.