Christ My Song - 966
When all outward comfort flies - The Ever-present Helper
(Charlotte Elliott/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
The Ever-present Helper.
"Lord, be thou my helper." (Psalm 33,10)
1. When all outward comfort flies,
and my heart within me dies,
hear, oh hear my trembling sighs:
help me, O my Saviour! PDF - Midi
2. When the day brings pain and grief,
night, nor respite, nor relief,
whisper – "These dark hours are brief:"
help me, O my Saviour!
3. When all human help proves vain,
and my agonising pain
more than nature can sustain:
help me, O my Saviour!
4. Suffer not my faith to fail,
let not Satan's darts assail,
lift the intercepting veil:
help me, O my Saviour!
5. When, oppressed with feverish heat,
I can scarce one text repeat,
say, I am in thee complete:
help me, O my Saviour!
6. When the means for pain's redress
seem to aggravate distress,
then draw near – my faith increase:
help me, O my Saviour!
7. When the long and suffering night
makes me weary for the light,
fix upon thy cross my sight:
help me, O my Saviour!
8. Lest I faint beneath the rod,
say – "This very path I trod;
thus t h o u glorifiest God:"
help me, O my Saviour!
9. Let me not on man depend,
but on thee, the unfailing Friend:
be thou near me to the end:
help me, O my Saviour!
10. Thou, thou only canst relieve me!
till thine arms of love receive me,
whisper – "I will never leave thee!"
Help me, O my Saviour!
Charlotte Elliott, Selections from the Poems of Charlotte Elliott, 242-243.