Christ My Song - 97
O Heaven! Sweet Heaven! the home of the blessed
(Edwin Henry Nevin/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
O Heaven! Sweet Heaven!
(Philip Schaff: The following hymn,
as the author kindly informs us,
was written and first printed in 1862,
after the death of a beloved son,
which made heaven nearer and dearer
from the conviction that now a member
of his family was one of its inhabitants.)
1. O Heaven! Sweet Heaven! the home of the blessed,
where hearts once in trouble are ever at rest;
where eyes that could see not rejoice in the light,
and beggars made princes are walking in white. PDF - Midi
2. O Heaven! Sweet Heaven! the mansions of love,
where Christ in his beauty shines forth from above,
the Lamb with his sceptre, to charm and control,
and love is the sea that encircles the whole.
3. O Heaven! Sweet Heaven! where purity reigns,
where error disturbs not, and sin never stains;
where holiness robes in its garments so fair
the great multitude that is worshipping there.
4. O Heaven! Sweet Heaven! where music ne'er dies,
but rich pealing anthems of glory arise;
where saints with one feeling of rapture are stirred,
and loud hallelujahs for ever are heard.
5. O Heaven! Sweet Heaven! where friends never part,
but cords of true friendship bind firmly the heart;
where farewell shall never more fall on the ear,
nor eyes that have sorrowed be dimmed with a tear.
Edwin Henry Nevin, in: Schaff, Philip: Christ in Song, 1870, 539-540.