Christ My Song - 997
Holy Comforter! my Guide! - The Holy Comforter
(Charlotte Elliott/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
The Holy Comforter.
1. Holy Comforter! my Guide!
now within my heart abide;
nothing do I need beside;
fill my soul with light. PDF - Midi
2. Each celestial truth reveal;
Christ's rich treasury unseal;
thine indwelling let me feel,
Fount of pure delight!
3. While a little longer space
here my lonely path I trace,
pour within rich streams of grace;
form a garden there.
4. Then, though all around may be
but a wilderness for me,
sheltered from its dearth by thee,
all things will seem fair.
5. While thou deign'st my heart to bless
with thy presence, thy sweet peace,
can I pine in loneliness?
Can I wish for more?
6. No! Thou Comforter Divine,
if thy fellowship be mine,
earthly converse I resign,
fondly priced before.
7.Life was for this end bestowed,
to acquaint myself with God:
oft the loneliest pathway trod
nearer leads to him.
8. Guide into all truth! be thou
my Divine Instructor now;
be my views no longer low,
indistinct and dim!
9. Rend the darkening veil that shrouds
those bright scenes above the clouds;
show me those serene abodes
where "is no more night."
10. Where the Father and the Son,
with thyself for ever one,
shed from the eternal throne,
everlasting light.
11. Then will all the shadows here
lose their charms, and disappear,
lost in that resplendent sphere
opened to Faith's eye.
12. Quickened by its glorious ray
I shall hasten on my way,
till I drop these bonds of clay
and to Jesus fly.
Charlotte Elliott, Selections from the Poems of Charlotte Elliott, 109-111.