Christ My Song - 100
Heavenward still our pathway tends - Heavenward still!
(Benjamin Schmolck/Frances Elizabeth Cox/
Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Heavenward still!
Here have we no continuing city,
but we seek one to come. (Hebrews 13,14)
1. Heavenward still our pathway tends,
here on earth we are but strangers;
till our road in Canaan ends,
safely passed this wild of dangers,
pilgrims we, a scattered band,
seek above our Fatherland. PDF - Midi
2. Heavenward still my soul ascend!
Thou art one of heaven's creations;
earth can ne'er give aim or end
fit to fill thy aspirations:
turns a heaven-illumined mind
evermore its source to find.
3. Heavenward still! God's volume blessed,
thus, throughout its sacred pages,
calls me on, and speaks of rest,
rest with him through endless ages;
while my heart that call attends,
still to heaven my path ascends.
4. Heavenward still my thoughts arise,
when his festal board invites me;
then my spirit upward flies,
foretaste then of heaven delights me:
when on earth this food has ceased
comes the Lamb's own Marriage-feast.
5. Heavenward still my spirit wends,
that fair land by faith exploring;
heavenward still my heart ascends,
sun and moon and stars out-soaring;
their faint rays in vain would try
once with light of heaven to vie.
6. Heavenward still, when life shall close,
death to my true home shall guide me;
there, triumphant o'er my woes,
lasting bliss shall God provide me;
Christ himself the way has led,
joyful in his steps I tread.
7. Still then heavenward! heavenward still!
That shall be my watchword ever!
Joys of heaven my heart shall fill,
chasing joys that filled it never:
heavenward still my thoughts shall run,
till the gate of heaven is won.
Frances Elizabeth Cox, Hymns from the German, 1864, 211+213.
Translated from the German Himmelan geht unsre Bahn! - Himmelan!
of Benjamin Schmolck.