Christ My Song - 1028
Sinful, sighing to be blessed - The Penitent
(John S. B. Monsell/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
The Penitent.
Eleventh Sunday after Trinity.
God be merciful to me a sinner. (Luke 18,13)
1. Sinful, sighing to be blessed,
bound, and longing to be free,
weary, waiting for my rest,
'God be merciful to me!' PDF - Midi
2. Holiness! I've none to plead,
sinfulness in all I see;
I can only bring my need,
'God be merciful to me!'
3. Broken heart, and downcast eyes,
dare not lift themselves to thee,
yet thou canst interpret sighs,
'God be merciful to me!'
4. From this sinful heart of mine
to thy bosom I would flee,
I am not mine own, but thine,
'God be merciful to me!'
5. There is One beside the Throne,
and my only hope and plea
are in him, and him alone,
'God be merciful to me!'
6. He my cause will undertake,
my Interpreter will be,
he's my all – and for his sake
'God be merciful to me!'
John S. B. Monsell, 'Spiritual Songs', 1864, 136-137.