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Hymn score of: From far I see the glorious day (Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1138

From far I see the glorious day
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

From far I see the glorious day.

"But he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed." (Isaiah 66,5)

1. From far I see the glorious day,
  when he who bore our sins away,
    will all his majesty display. PDF - Midi

2. "A man of sorrows" once he was;
  no friend was found to plead his cause,
    for all preferred the world's applause.

3. He groaned beneath sin's awful load;
  for in the sinner's place he stood,
    and died to bring him back to God.

4. But now he reigns with glory crowned,
  while angel-hosts his throne surround,
    and still his lofty praises sound.

5. To few on earth his name is dear;
  and they who in his cause appear,
    the world's reproach and scorn must bear.

6. But yet there is a day to come,
  when he will seal the sinner's doom,
    and take his mourning people home.

7. Jesus, thy name is all my boast;
  and though by waves of trouble tossed,
    thou wilt not let my soul be lost.

8. Come then, come quickly from above,
  my soul, impatient, longs to prove
    the depths of everlasting love.

Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 62.

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