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Hymn score of: Things unseen engage us now (Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1146

Things unseen engage us now
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Things unseen engage us now.

"While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen." (2 Corinthians 4,18)

1. Things unseen engage us now,
  glorious things to faith revealed;
yes, through grace, 'tis ours to know
  things that were before concealed; PDF - Midi

2. things of high importance too,
  things connected with our peace;
yes, from these our comforts flow,
  all our chief delights from these.

3. Since we've known his precious name,
  who on earth sustained the cross,
pomp and pleasure, wealth and fame,
  all the world is counted loss.

4. Better things appear in view,
  drawing us away from earth;
shall we stoop then to pursue
  objects of inferior worth?

5. No: we'll leave the world behind,
  once the object of our love,
and be satisfied to find
  rest among the saints above.

Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 352.

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