Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: "Trust ye in the Lord for ever" (Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1173

"Trust ye in the Lord for ever"
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

"Trust ye in the Lord for ever."

"Trust ye in the Lord for ever." (Isaiah 26,4)

1. "Trust ye in the Lord for ever,"
  his is everlasting strength;
weak and vain the foe's endeavour,
  looking to prevail at length.
    They who in the Lord confide,
    safe and happy shall abide. PDF - Midi

2. "Trust ye in the Lord for ever,"
  his is love that changes not;
never will he leave, no, never,
  those whom he with blood has bought.
    He will keep them by his pow'r,
    keep them in the darkest hour.

3. "Trust ye in the Lord for ever,"
  he is wise – "the only wise".
Fear ye not the grand deceiver,
  father though he be of lies.
    Those he never can deceive
    who in faith to Jesus cleave.

4. "Trust ye in the Lord for ever,"
  in the face of danger smile;
vain to hurt, the foe's endeavour;
  vain his force, and vain his guile.
    Wound he may – he cannot kill;
    God is with his people still.

5. "Trust ye in the Lord for ever,"
  nothing is to him unknown;
neither force nor guile can sever
  from the love of Christ, his own.
    Trust in him, and nothing fear,
    good he is, and always near.

6. "Trust ye in the Lord for ever,"
  grace is his, and pow'r and love;
trust in him who changes never,
  him who reigns in heav'n above.
    Sheltered by his mighty arm,
    who or what can do us harm?

Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 422.

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