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Hymn score of: Away! he calls thee hence away (Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1196

Away! he calls thee hence away
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Away! he calls thee hence away.

On the death of one much beloved and regretted.

"My flesh also shall rest in hope." (Psalm 16,9)

1. Away! he calls thee hence away,
  before thy Lord with joy appear;
we cannot, do not bid thee stay,
  though loath to part with one so dear. PDF - Midi

2. The storm is hushed, and all is still,
  her conflicts are for ever past;
and now, beyond the reach of ill,
  she waits the trumpet's final blast,

3. the signal of our Lord’s return,
  when all his saints shall rise again,
the mark no more of human scorn,
  but glorious like their master then.

4. The people of the Lord may say,
  The friends we mourn are gone before,
and soon we hope to see the day,
  when we shall meet, to part no more.

5. How sweet, how blessed thus to see
  the last great foe bereft of pow’r!
’Tis Jesus sets his people free,
  and gilds with light their final hour.

6. O teach us, Lord, to follow those
  who run the heav’nly race, and win!
That when our mortal life shall close,
  our life of glory may begin.

Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 368.

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