Christ My Song - 1209
Glory, glory to our King!
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Glory, glory to our King!
"Sing praises unto our King, sing praises!" (Psalm 47,6)
1. Glory, glory to our King!
Crowns unfading wreathe his head!
Jesus is the name we sing;
Jesus risen from the dead;
Jesus conqu'ror o'er the grave;
Jesus mighty now to save. PDF - Midi
2. Jesus is gone up on high,
angels come to meet their King;
shouts triumphant rend the sky,
while the victor's praise they sing:
"Open now, ye heav'nly gates!
'Tis the King of glory waits."
3. Now behold him high enthroned!
Glory beaming from his face!
By adoring angels owned,
God of holiness and grace!
O for hearts and tongues to sing
"Glory, glory to our King."
4. Jesus, on thy people shine!
Warm our hearts, and tune our tongues!
That with angels we may join,
share their bliss, and swell their songs.
Glory, honour, praise and pow'r,
Lord, be thine for evermore!
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 44.