Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: The Cross! my hope, my boast, my theme (Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1221

The Cross! my hope, my boast, my theme
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

The Cross! my hope, my boast, my theme.

"The cross ... whereby the world is crucified unto me,
and I unto the world." (Galatians 6,14)

1. The Cross! my hope, my boast, my theme,
  there's music in the very word;
compared to it, how worthless seem
  all earthly things, and how absurd
    the thoughts and aims of men appear,
    to those to whom the Cross is dear. PDF - Midi

2. The Cross! the Cross! mysterious tree,
  on which the Saviour breathed his last;
thou wondrous Cross, I look to thee!
  The bitterness of death is past;
    the sense of guilt, so keen before,
    so terrible, is felt no more.

3. The carcase of the lion, thus
  of old, did "meat" and "sweetness" yield;
a riddle then, not so to us:
  its import is no more concealed;
    what then lay hid, the Cross explains,
    the type is past, the truth remains.

4. The Cross! the Cross! how safe he is
  who trusts in it, and it alone;
the promise and the blessing his:
  'tis better than a royal throne;
    a throne, what is it but a toy,
    compared to what the saints enjoy?

5. The Cross! the Cross! 'tis shame, I know,
  it may be death, I love it still!
The Cross be mine, come weal, come woe;
  from it can come no real ill:
    'tis fraught with blessings rich and free,
    and he who has them, blessed is he.

Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 597.

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