Christ My Song-Logo
Hymn score of: Much I love the honoured name (Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1228

Much I love the honoured name
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Much I love the honoured name.

"Endured the cross, despising the shame." (Hebrews 12,2)

1. Much I love the honoured name
  of "the man" who bore the cross;
bore its weight, and bore its shame,
  treasure this, the rest is dross. PDF - Midi

2. Here I find the thing I want,
  pardon, peace, and hope of heav'n;
this I have by royal grant,
  and the rest will soon be giv'n.

3. Hope will shortly cease to be,
  when the promised joy is giv'n;
when the Lord himself I see,
  seated on the throne of heav'n.

4. Yet the question will intrude,
  Shall I see the Saviour's face?
Will he not from heav'n exclude
  one so barren and so base?

5. Lord, I turn my eyes to thee,
  source and channel, too, of grace;
and I look, thy face to see,
  though so barren and so base.

6. Limits thou hast added none,
  to the grace thy word reveals:
here I rest my hope alone,
  and my spirit comfort feels.

7. When upon myself I think,
  then, like Peter on the sea,
I begin to fear and sink,
  till I turn my eyes to thee.

8. 'Tis thine arm alone can save;
  and the man who trusts in thee,
on the land, or on the wave,
  safe and blessed is sure to be.

Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 724.

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