Christ My Song - 1242
Sing we praise to God above
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Sing we praise to God above.
"Sing ye praises with understanding." (Psalm 47,7)
1. Sing we praise to God above,
"sing we praise with understanding;"
praise we him, who, moved by love,
all creating, all commanding,
came from heav'n, that he might save,
and his life for sinners gave. PDF - Midi
2. Blessed be the Saviour's name,
blessed be his name for ever;
his was pain, and grief, and shame,
his the cross. Forget it, never;
his the curse to sinners due,
his to die, ye saints, for you.
3. Sing we praise, to Jesus sing,
"sing we praise with understanding;"
let the saints their tribute bring,
his is love their praise demanding;
love that is, and ever was,
what nor end nor measure has.
4. Sing we praise, for this is right,
"sing we praise with understanding;"
soon we hope to take our flight,
and ascend, our wings expanding,
to the place where Jesus is,
there to live with him and his.
5. Then, indeed, the saints shall sing,
sing they shall "with understanding";
then they shall behold their King,
all ordaining, all commanding;
nothing then shall wanting be
to their full felicity.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 238.