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Hymn score of: When the Lord rebukes his servant (Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1246

When the Lord rebukes his servant
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

When the Lord rebukes his servant.

"My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord." (Proverbs 3,11)

1. When the Lord rebukes his servant,
  'tis to save and not destroy;
'tis to make my spirit fervent,
  'tis to give me real joy;
    'tis to make me better know
    that my rest is not below. PDF - Midi

2. Shall I then repine at trials
  by my Father's love decreed?
What if God had poured the vials
  of his wrath upon my head:
    death of sin the wages is,
    all is mercy short of this.

3. Since the Lord has giv'n me reason
  to expect a place above,
in affliction's sharpest season,
  let me own that God is love;
    let me own that all he does
    from paternal kindness flows.

4. Shall I murmur at his dealings?
  Shall I not his kindness trust?
Since he knows my frame and feelings,
  and remembers I am dust;
    shall I not receive the rod,
    and confess the hand of God?

5. Hear me, Lord, in my petition,
  O sustain me lest I faint!
Teach me patience and submission,
  keep thy servant from complaint;
    and in every trying hour,
    Lord, uphold me by thy pow'r.

Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 286.

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