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Hymn score of: To him who reigns in heaven above (Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1266

To him who reigns in heaven above
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

To him who reigns in heaven above.

"For I am a great King, saith the Lord of Hosts."
(Malachi 1,14)

1. To him who reigns in heaven above,
  the God of grace, of pow'r, and love,
let all his saints their tribute bring,
  to him, their Saviour and their King. PDF - Midi

2. His way is in the sea – his path
  in waters deep its being hath.
His footsteps, who is he can trace?
  Who search the wonders of his grace?

3. The theme is large, the theme is sweet:
  for those who know the Saviour meet.
The grace it treats of suits their cases:
  'tis grace indeed, 'tis sov'reign grace.

4. By grace alone his people stand:
  they feel his love, they own his hand.
'Tis grace that makes them what they are:
  the Saviour's crown, the Saviour's care.

5. How holy should his people be!
  From care, from strife, from hatred free;
opposed to sin, to every sin;
  to that without, and that within.

6. Their work, to serve their master here,
  with reverence, and godly fear;
their hope, to see him as he is;
  and dwell in heaven, with him and his.

Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 212.

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