Christ My Song - 1283
"The cup of salvation", the cup that we drink of
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
The cup of salvation.
"I will take the cup of salvation." (Psalm 116,13)
1. "The cup of salvation", the cup that we drink of,
is sweet to the taste, and is life to the soul.
All honour and blessing to him whom we think of,
who only was worthy to open the roll. PDF - Midi
2. And worthy was he, because he had offered
himself for his people, and died in their stead.
Mysterious the death on the cross that he suffered:
all value above, was the blood that he shed.
3.The people he died for, are gathered from out of
all kindreds, and nations, and tribes here below.
Be thankful, be joyful, his people, nor doubt of
the one that is stronger than death, as we know.
4. All honour to him who in earth and in heaven,
alone was found worthy to open the seals,
to spread out the roll, and to whom it was given
to publish the wonderful things it reveals.
5. How blessed is he, and how glorious his name is!
The name above all to be loved and adored!
That we love and adore it so little, our shame is.
forgive us, forgive us, our merciful Lord.
6. Thy name be it honoured by angels in heaven,
by all who on earth and beneath it who live.
The power to thee, and the glory, be given,
what thou hast ordained that all beings should give.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 491.