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Hymn score of: Now we sow in tears (Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1298

Now we sow in tears
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Now we sow in tears.

"They that sow in tears, shall reap in joy." (Psalm 126,5)

  1. Now we sow in tears;
  when the Lord appears,
we shall reap the fruit of joy.
  Shall we then complain?
  Life is what we gain:
what we lose is but a toy. PDF - Midi

  2. Jesus, when on earth,
  even from his birth,
knew and felt what sorrow was.
  Many tears he shed;
  on the cross he bled:
love the motive, sin the cause.

  3. See the Saviour now,
  crowns adorn his brow:
fruit of tears profusely shed.
  What had here its root,
  has in heav’n its fruit:
pain and grief to glory led.

  4. So it is with those
  whom the Lord may choose
to rejoice when he appears.
  They who will have joy,
  free from all alloy,
must consent to "sow in tears".

  5. Precious seed it is,
  but how precious his,
his, who lived all worlds before!
  Such no age had seen,
  such had never been:
tears like his will flow no more.

  6. Godly sorrow still
  does its work, and will:
precious is the seed that's sown.
  Here it has its root,
  but in heav’n its fruit:
there we reap, and there alone.

Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 751.

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