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Hymn score of: Saviour, we have seen thy goings (Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Christ My Song - 1300

Saviour, we have seen thy goings
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)

Saviour, we have seen thy goings.

"They have seen thy goings." (Psalm 67,24)

1. Saviour, we have seen thy goings:
  seen them in the holy place.
We have witnessed, too, thy doings,
  full of love, and full of grace.
Who can do the things thou doest?
  Who on earth, or who in heav’n?
Who can know the things thou knowest?
  Praise to thee alone be giv’n. PDF - Midi

2. When thou workest, who can stay thee?
  Who resist thy sov’reign will?
Who can stop, or who delay thee?
  Thine to save, and thine to kill.
Thine "the spirit without measure";
  thine it is to cancel guilt:
Thine to work thy sov’reign pleasure,
  when and in what way thou wilt.

3. Who will ask thee what thou doest?
  Lord of earth, and Lord of heav'n.
Wisdom thine, who all things knowest,
  and all power to thee is giv’n.
Hope be ours; though strong our foes are,
  he who saves us, stronger is.
Safe, we know, and happy those are,
  whom the Saviour owns as his.

4. Little know we, Saviour, of thee,
  though we ought to know so much.
Happy they who trust and love thee;
  make us, Lord, O make us such!
Henceforth let us leave thee never;
  to thyself our hearts incline.
Thine the kingdom, thine for ever;
  thine the power, the glory thine.

Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 753.

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