Christ My Song - 1303
Hark! the solemn trumpet sounding
(Thomas Kelly/Johannes Thomas Rüegg)
Hark! the solemn trumpet sounding.
"Then shalt thou cause the trumpet of the jubilee to sound." (Leviticus 25,9)
1. Hark! the solemn trumpet sounding,
loud proclaims the jubilee;
'tis the voice of grace abounding,
grace to sinners rich and free;
ye who know the joyful sound,
publish it to all around. PDF - Midi
2. Is the name of Jesus precious?
Does his love our spirits cheer?
Does his promise still refresh us,
by abating doubt and fear?
Is he good to us, and true?
Such he'll be to others too.
3. Were you once at awful distance,
wand'ring from the fold of God?
Could no arm afford assistance,
nothing save but Jesu's blood?
Think how many still are found
strangers to the joyful sound.
4. Brethren, join in supplication,
join to plead before the Lord;
'tis his arm that brings salvation,
he alone can give the word;
Father, let thy kingdom come,
bring thy wand'ring outcasts home.
5. Brethren, let us freely offer,
all we have is from above;
let us give, and act, and suffer;
what is this to Jesu's love?
Did he die our souls to save?
Then we're his, and all we have.
6. Hark ! the saints' triumphant chorus,
"Worthy is the Lamb," they cry;
they have gained the prize before us,
soon we hope to share their joy;
but while here, remember still,
they who love him, do his will.
7. Till we reach the wished-for vision,
till we see him as he is,
let us bear the world's derision,
let us prove that we are his;
let us sound through all the earth
Christ's inestimable worth.
Thomas Kelly, Hymns on various passages of Scripture, ca. 1853, Hymn 592.